Link Exchanges

Link exchanges are the foundation of the internet and are at the core of off-page search engine optimisation. Without interlinking web sites the internet would not exist as we know it. Due to the importance of link exchanges most search engines rely on them to assess the value or importance of a web site and the individual web pages it contains. By establishing high quality links with other websites the webmasters helps to establishes the value of their site in terms of the greater internet. The more often a website is referred to by other web sites, the greater its importance.

Link exchanges help web site users navigate to new sources of information on the internet. If a web site has a link on a related website it is very likely that users will click on the link and be brought to the website. Just as search engines deem links to be important so will users. The better a links is situated on other websites the more advantageous it will be to the web site receiving the potential traffic.


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